Darin Rajabian and Caroline Myrick met at a party in Ann Arbor, Michigan sometime in early 2010.

Sharing a love for dreaming, dancing and melodic pop, they began work on a project to incorporate Caroline’s soft angelic vocals with Darin’s classic electronic backing. As the music evolved, they became NIGHTLIFE. As with New York based THE GOLDEN FILTER, NIGHTLIFE look to more Nordic climes for their inspiration.

With acclaimed Swedish songstress SALLY SHAPIRO being the most obvious musical influence, this was proof that the recent aural legacy of Scandinavia isn’t just about ‘witch house’ or the worshipping of Karin Dreijer Andersson. NIGHTLIFE’s self-titled debut EP features six crystalline gems starting with ‘Our Love’ which buzzes away discordantly, but has melodic stabs and rhythmical triplets keep it immediately accessible.

The uplifting ‘Fever’ mixes the sound of the Orient with a Eurodisco snap while syncopated rhythms punctuate the gorgeous ‘Lightspeed’. ‘Dancing Without Me’ is thrillingly driven by a precise beat and detuned leadline before the sexily pulsating ‘Goodbye’ lifts with a sweet but fragile high end chorus in the vein of Annie.

Simmons sounding drums thunder through the EP’s closing track ‘Wait’ and it’s a fine example how good Ellie Goulding could sound if she wasn’t such a folkie and totally embraced an electro based sound.

Throughout all the compositions, Darin’s clean, uncluttered arrangements and textures add grandeur where appropriate but allowing space to accentuate Caroline’s whispery vocal charms. Currently finishing their debut album, NIGHTLIFE are definitely ones to watch. How refreshing it is to see another Stateside duo who actually know the difference between synths and keyboards!

NIGHTLIFE’s self titled EP is available now via their website.



Text by Chi Ming Lai
27th February 2011